terça-feira, setembro 19, 2006
SIG Writing abstract

Deixo aqui o resumo da comunicação que vou proferir no âmbito do congresso internacional da SIGWriting que descrevemos já num post anterior.
We requested the collaboration of all the teachers of FFL of the schools of Third Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Level of the
Firstly, the collection of data proceeded through a survey questionnaire, that intended (i) to characterize the practices of teaching of writing, and (ii) to assess, through a Likert scale, a great number of writing teaching practices existing actually in schools or proposed by specialized literature as good practices to teach writing. This instrument was sent by regular mail to the schools, with detailed instructions concerning its goals and method for its reply. A total of 155 teachers replied to our request.
Secondly, we carried out 11 depth interviews to a small sample. Whit the interviews we wanted to support the characterization of teaching practices and the conceptions of the teachers concerning what they consider as their best practices.
As a study in progress, we do not have yet final results and conclusions. Therefore, we consider that we will be able to infer implications for the development of writing skills in FFL classes. Moreover, it will provide a critical reflection for the teachers of FFL concerning their writing teaching practices.
Etiquetas: Investigação (TM)
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